In line with the directive from the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of Education through a Circular dated 30th September 2020, Ref. No. MOE/VTT/ADM/2/12; Siaya Institute of Technology wishes to announce the re-opening of the Institute on 26th October 2020 for all trainees who had registered for KNEC July 2020 exams and KASNEB MAY/JUNE 2020 Exams.
No other trainee will be allowed in the compound.
All reporting students MUST clear any fee arrears plus the fees for the current term (26th October 2020 – 29th January 2021) before re-admission. All students who has pending HELB loan applications/disbursements must present evidence of the same on reporting day.
Trainees are advised to make individual arrangements for accommodation as the Institute cannot guarantee accommodation to any trainee.
The reporting programme will be communicated in due course.
Siaya Institute of Technology.