S.I.T recently organized an internal conference for its staff, which had the theme of ‘Enhancing Quality in Service Delivery’. The conference aimed to provide a platform for staff members to learn and share knowledge on various aspects of improving service delivery to her main clients.
The conference had an impressive lineup of keynote speakers, who provided valuable insights into various aspects of service delivery. The Deputy Principal Administration was the first speaker, and he emphasized the importance of leadership and integrity in service delivery. He highlighted how a strong ethical foundation is essential to providing quality services and the importance of leading by example.
The Registrar Academics was the next speaker, and he focused on business process re-engineering and the Citizen’s Service Delivery Charter. He highlighted the need to streamline business processes to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance service delivery. He also emphasized the importance of developing and implementing a Citizen’s Service Delivery Charter to enhance transparency and accountability in service delivery.
The Human Resource Officer was another speaker, and she highlighted key areas from the Human Resource Policy. She emphasized the need to align the human resource policies with the organization’s strategic goals and objectives to ensure that the staff is motivated, engaged, and productive. He also highlighted the importance of continuous learning and development for staff members to enhance their skills and knowledge.
The Deputy Dean of Students was the fourth speaker, and he focused on disability mainstreaming. She highlighted the need to create an inclusive environment for students with disabilities to ensure that they have access to education and other services. He emphasized the importance of providing reasonable accommodation, training staff members on disability awareness, and developing disability-inclusive policies and practices.
The Management Representative was the next speaker, and he focused on quality management systems. He highlighted the importance of establishing a quality management system to ensure that the services provided meet the required standards and are continuously improved. He emphasized the need to develop standard operating procedures, conduct regular audits, and involve staff members in the quality management process.
The Performance Contracting Coordinator was the final speaker, and she expounded on gender equity. She highlighted the need to create an environment that promotes gender equality and empowerment. She emphasized the importance of eliminating gender-based discrimination, creating equal opportunities for men and women, and promoting work-life balance for all staff members.
The conference was well-received by the attendees, with many expressing their appreciation for the knowledge shared. The Chief Principal lauded the conference and encouraged the organizers to ensure that more events of similar nature are part of the quarterly schedule of events. He emphasized the importance of continuous learning and development for staff members and how such events can provide opportunities for staff members to learn and share knowledge.
Overall, the internal conference on ‘Enhancing Quality in Service Delivery’ was a great success, with the attendees gaining valuable insights into various aspects of service delivery. The conference provided an opportunity for staff members to learn from experts in various fields and to share their own experiences and knowledge. It is hoped that more events of similar nature will be organized in the future, to provide opportunities for staff members to continuously learn and develop, and to enhance the quality of services provided by S.I.T.