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Ezekiel Odongo

Internal Auditor


  • The primary market value innovations of newly public firms
  • Auditor Tenure and Quality of Financial Report
  • Unexpected Fees and the Prediction of Material Weaknesses

Message from the Internal Audit

The Internal Audit department of Siaya Institute of Technology was established in August 2019 with the Mission to provide Siaya Institute of Technology with an Independent appraisal of its Financial, operational, control and management activities. To contribute effectively to the enhancement of a highly disciplined Institution that adheres to the principles of good corporate governance in its operations. The Internal Audit is established to assist the management and the Board of Governors to verify that appropriate governance of operations is in place and to achieve sound managerial control over all aspects of the operations of SIT including accounting, financial control, Asset management, information management and control systems. The other role is to assist all levels of management in the effective discharge of their responsibilities by providing independent analysis, appraisals, advice and recommendations concerning the activities reviewed. The Internal Audit is also established to conduct special assignments and investigations on behalf of the Principal and BOG into any matter or activity affecting the interest and operating efficiency of Siaya Institute of Technology (SIT).

Let every person in every place of work cherish PICTURE as under:

P………. Professionalism

I………. .Integrity

C……… Creativity&Innovation

T………. Truth&Honesty

U………..Unity for Purpose



When every individual at any work place be it formal or informal sector embraces PICTURE, they will succeed in every venture they lay their hands. We should now make a choice to live with PICTURE throughout our work place for the betterment of achieving our objectives and goals. The Internal Audit department have conducted 5 Audits assignments in different departments and given report to the principal and the BOG to act on the findings and recommendations based on the audited report, some of our recommendations have been actualized and procedures followed as per the Siaya Institute of Technology policies and guidelines in the strategic plan (2019). As internal Audit department, we have found time to discuss internal control issues with some of the already Audited departments and we believe they have improved and have always followed procedures laid down in the internal control manual of SIT (2019).  I am glad that SIT staff are receptive to new ideas and able to transform the ideas faster through team work. There should be cordial relations and enthusiasm for work to meet targets and follow the internal controls and procedures, this will ensure compliance to policies and guidelines and soar on greater heights. Leadership is the ability to handle challenges and therefore a leader must never lose their cool under pressure, always treat criticism as feedback, hence every leader must be prepared to deal with the turbulence of the commoner and the storms of the mighty.

All potential students should rise, determined and set to pursue and achieve their dreams, the future of this country lie on your hands, and through handwork and sheer determination, you will turn around the economy of this nation through innovation and creativity, there are 24hours in a day, utilize at least 16 hours to grow into better heights and become an icon in the world. Parents, you hold the great pillar of the generation to come, as you pass the button to your children, what generation are you leaving behind? Every student has a potential in different capacities, support them and show them the best paths to follow and teach them not destroy this nation, because they will also pass the same button to their children and great grandchildren. Train them to cherish the good values, teach them to account for everything put at their disposals and above all to remain faithful in the smallest things that are under their control.

(The society around SIT should be proactive to learn different methods of farming with the use of new technology by collaborating with Agriculture department to improve on the quality of farming, learning best Agricultural practices and eventually eradicating poverty in the community and embrace farming as business in Siaya County.)