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Frequently Asked Questions

Student Portal Access

How can I access the Siaya Institute Portal?

  1. Open your web browser (preferably chrome)
  2. Once you are connected  type in the URL.
  3. The link will direct you to the portal login screen.

How can I create a portal account?

  1. Visit
  2. On the bottom right corner, click on Create account.
  3. Select Student Role.
  4. Under registration/employee number: enter your Admission number
  5. In the password field: enter a password of your choice
  6. In the confirm password field: Renter the password to confirm it
  7. Click submit.
  8. You will be notified that account created successfully, please check your email for account activation.
  9. We shall also get a notification and the Portal Admin will activate the account for you, you can then log in with your Admission number and password to access your fee status, academic transcripts, session reporting etc.

Can I reset my password?

Yes you can, if you have lost/forgotten your password you can click on the “Forgot password?” link located under the login fields on our portal site which will ask you for the email address which you provided during registration and once you click Reset Password an email will be sent to your address and you can easily reset your password by logging into your email and clicking on the password reset link.



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