Get in touch: 0768 509 509
Senior Principal


As you are all aware, we are experiencing unprecedented times in the world due to COVID-19 pandemic. The President, Ministry of Health and WHO have issued a raft of procedures and protocols to be strictly observed by everybody to ensure safety.

We advise you to observe these guidelines that include but not limited to:

  • Social Distancing – Avoid crowded places like shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants unless there is a pressing need.
  • Frequent hand washing with soap and use of hand sanitizers
  • Hygiene protective coughing and sneezing – cover your nose and mouth with the bent elbow or tissue and dispose it immediately in the right places.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes without sanitizing your hands.
  • Everyone is advised to observe these safety measures and share the same information with their families.

In addition, SIT has taken the following precautionary measures to enhance safety standards that will go a long way in ensuring that you access our various services.

  • Alcohol based hand sanitizers and hand washing facilities have been availed in designated places in order to minimize the risk of spreading Corona Virus. We encourage and invite you to use them whenever you visit our institution.
  • Avoid paying fees and levies by cash and instead make payments using the institutions bank accounts.
  • In case you experience the common symptoms associated with Covid – 19 that is i.e. fever, cough, flu and high body temperatures we encourage you to visit a medical facility near you. If you are well, we recommend that you stay at home, observe the hygiene and safety standards shared above.
  • To ensure service availability and staff protection, we have adopted a flexible and a rotational working approach. A lean staff has been directed to be present in the institution to serve visitors and clients from Monday to Friday 8:00am ‑ 5:00pm

We have taken these measures in line with the Government directives to protect you, stake holders, our staff, families and fellow Kenyans.

We value you. Please be safe, observe the health precautions of hygiene and be vigilant.

God bless you all.




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