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Mr Daniel Randa

Daniel Randa Otieno


Message from the Principal

SIT is a TVET institution with the mandate to offer Certificate, Diploma and Higher Diploma programmes in Engineering, Business and Liberal Studies. We have a variety of courses cutting through all engineering disciplines such as Automotive, Electrical, Building and Civil Engineering as well as related subjects such as Architecture and Land Surveying. We also have other departments in the applied sciences such as agriculture and applied science with courses in Applied Biology and Science Laboratory Technology and intend to diversify and introduce new courses in pharmacy and medical laboratory Technology.

Our current population stands at 2593 in 2019/2020 with a staff population of 112 of whom 67 have been provided by Public Service Commission and 45 recruited by the Board of Governors.  The vision of the institution is To Be A Market Leader in The Provision of Top Notch TVET Training, Research and Innovation. Currently the SIT management and staff are focusing on the improvement of the quality of training which is our core mandate, in order to achieve this, we have embarked on modernization of the existing infrastructure to meet the demand that has been occasioned by the growing number of students.  We are also looking at our operational systems, in terms of the organizational culture and life skills training for our trainees to enable them impact others in the communities where they get absorbed,

The Institute is currently undertaking various projects, among them construction of the Administration Block cum Library Complex c funded by the government. Through internal funding we have constructed two lecture theatres that can be converted into four classrooms depending on the need at any given time. These rooms can  accommodate up to 200 students, in addition to that, we have constructed two spacious modern shades for the Building and Civil Engineering Department that have housed their various equipment and also provided space for their studies and practical lessons, the institution is also working on the pathways and renovation of the current administrative offices and a conference room for training of staff because we believe in continuous improvement  that will finally benefit our stakeholders.

Despite being underscoring the need for gender parity in our TVET Institutions, SIT is a unique TVET institution that has a higher number of female students than their male counterparts in totality and in other the technical departments like Computing and Informatics unlike other TVET institutions.

As an institute we operate an open door policy where we engage all students at all times in defined forums as well as non-planned fora, we do this to avoid creating an unnecessary distance between the trainees on one side and management or trainers or the administration the other one side.

I would like to ask parents and sponsors to take advantage of the opportunities that are available to their sons and daughters; today the government has enabled the access to HELB loans and also provided a capitation of sh30,000 per student in TVET institutions, which is a unique opportunity. The notion that the students who joint TVET institutions may be missing an aspect of life or may not be those that are required by the labour market is far from the truth and the reality is that the industry requires more of the students who graduate from TVET institutions. We are not only training for Kenya but for the global market, we have our own students who have been able to secure opportunities in places like Dubai and are rewarded handsomely however we also encourage the students to be job creators.

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