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Quality Assurance and Performance Management

Patrick Owuor

Head of Quality Assurance and Performance Management

My office is charged with four main duties

  1. Facilitating development and implementation of frameworks for quality assurance, performance management, monitoring and evaluation of training programs offered to ensure delivery of quality curriculum implementation services by the Institute.
  2. Developing, planning and implementing staff training on curriculum development and review, quality assurance and performance management to inculcate quality in the services delivered by training staff.
  3. Developing, implementing and regularly reviewing the quality assurance structure in the Institute to provide direction on quality standards to be maintained in the provision of training/academic services.
  4. Collecting, analyzing and reviewing data to form reports on the activities affecting the quality of training program in the Institute.
Message from Head of Quality Assurance and Performance Management

Siaya Institute of technology is a registered public middle level institution situated in Siaya Town. The Institute offers courses from Artisan to Higher diploma level and college is located in a serene environment suitable for studies and research. Our college boasts of posting good results regularly in National examinations besides co-curriculum programs, placing it firmly on the map as a technical training institute of choice in Nyanza region and beyond.

I am proud to have put in place a framework for streamlining the teaching/leaning programs in the Institutions, this has made Siaya Institute a place where quality is not just said but practiced.

My office has endeavored in developing and implementing a system for quality assurance of the training/teaching facilities, this will definitely enhance quality delivery of services to the students and hence lead to the achievement of great grades at the institution.

Working with various stakeholders, I have managed to assist in developing and implementing a system of for quality assurance of the students’ assessment and examination. This will enhance confidence in the examination systems in the Institute.

I aim to continue assisting the Heads of departments and DP(ASA) in collecting data in the appraisal of training/teaching staff

I also provide advice to management on areas that require improvement to enhance the quality of training/teaching and examination as offered by the Institute

I also play a role in the review and standardization of the curriculum developed by departments to ensure that curriculum is in line with guidelines provided by TVETA, SDACC and other ministerial guidelines.

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